8.1 Setting up inventory roles

You must use the Edit Roles workflow to assign the inventory features to the roles you want to be able to access these features. You can assign the features to different roles; for example, you may have administrators who are responsible for managing the list of locations and their limits, operators who carry out day-to-day stock transfers, and analysts who run inventory reports.

To assign inventory features to roles:

  1. In the MyID Operator Client, from the More category, select Configuration Settings then Edit Roles.

    Alternatively, in MyID Desktop, from the Configuration category, select Edit Roles.

  2. Use the Show/Hide Roles option to display the role you want to work with.

  3. Select the following features:

    • Cards section:

      • Import – allows you to import a range of serial numbers for a device and allocate them to a location.

      • Transfer Device – allows you to transfer one or more imported devices from one location to another.

    • Reports section:

      • Available Device Stock – allows you to run the Available Device Stock report, which provides a list of unallocated devices that are available to transfer from one location to another.

      • Device Import Requests – allows you to run the Device Import Requests report, which provides a list of device import requests you have created.

      • Locations – allows you to run the Locations report, which provides a list of the locations in the system.

      • Stock Limits – allows you to run the Stock Limits report, which provides a list of each location in the system along with the configured minimum quantities and re-order quantities.

      • Stock Per Location – allows you to run the Stock Per Location report, which provides a list of each location in the system along with the unallocated stock at each location.

      • Stock Transfers – allows you to run the Stock Transfers report, which provides a list of all current and previous stock transfers, along with their status.

      Note: Some reports are made available when you select their related feature; for example, the Locations report is available if you provide access to any features in the Locations section in Edit Roles. However, if you subsequently remove access from the report, you will also lose access to the related features.

    • Configuration section:

      • List Editor – this is a standard MyID workflow, and is not specific to inventory management. However, you must have access to this workflow to update the lists of stock code, kinds of location, and couriers. See section 8.2, Editing inventory lists.

    • Locations section:

      • Add Location – allows you to add a new location.

      • Edit Location – allows you to edit the details of an existing location.

      • View Location – allows you to view the details of a location.

      Adding a feature in this section also provides access to the Locations report.

    • Stock Limits section:

      • Add Stock Limit – allows you to add a stock limit.

      • Delete Stock Limit – allows you to delete a stock limit.

      • Edit Stock Limit – allows you to edit an existing stock limit.

      • View Stock Limit – allows you to view the details of a stock limit.

      Adding a feature in this section also provides access to the Stock Limits report.

    • Stock Transfers section:

      • Add Stock Transfer – allows you to add a stock transfer.

      • Cancel Stock Transfer – allows you to cancel a stock transfer,

      • Dispatch Stock Transfer – allows you to mark a stock transfer as dispatched.

      • Edit Stock Transfer – allows you to edit an existing stock transfer.

      • Fail Stock Transfer – allows you to fail a stock transfer that has been dispatched but not yet received, either marking the devices as lost or returned.

      • Receive Stock Transfer – allows you to mark a dispatched stock transfer as received at its destination.

      • View Stock Transfer – allows you to view a stock transfer.

      Adding a feature in this section also provides access to the Stock Transfers report.

  4. Click Save Changes.

For more information about editing roles, see the Roles, groups, and scope section in the Administration Guide.